Current Reports and Papers
Serov, P.A. 2009. Bio-Indicators of Groundwater-Surface Water Connectivity. Australian Society for Limnology Annual Conference, 2009, Alice Springs.
Serov, P. 2014. Towards a Global Groundwater Ecosystem Classification. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Serov, P. 2013. Towards a Groundwater Bioregionalisation.Hydroeco, Rennes, France. Zoology Department, University of New England, Armidale, Australia
Berhane, D., Vervoort, W.R. Serov. P. 2011. Analysis of groundwater thermographs at different time/spatial scales: headwaters of the Namoi River, Presented at NSW. Hydroeco 2011 3-5 May 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Korbel, K. L., Hancock, P. J, Serov, P, Lim, R.P, Hose, G.C. 2012. Groundwater ecosystems vary with land use across a mixed agricultural landscape.
Serov, P. 2010. Contributor to DECC 2010. Upland Swamp Environmental Assessment Guidelines. Guidance for the underground mining industry operating in the southern and western coalfields.
Serov, P. 2014. NSW Major Project Assessment - Wallarah 2 Coal Mine Project, Northwest of Wyong, New South Wales
Serov, P. 2014. Review of the Baralaba North Continued Operations Project for Depart of the Environment and The Depart of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland.
Serov, P. , Russell, M. 2014. • Tahmoor South Project, Stygofauna Assessment, Prepared for Tahmoor Coal Pty Ltd 2013-14.
Serov, P. 2014. NSW Major Project Assessment - Calga Sand Quarry Project.
Serov, P. 2013. Radio interview 3CR radio Lost in science
Serov, P. 2013. Australian Geographic - " Bizarre new species stops Pilliga mining By: Hsin-Yi Lo | August-9-2013
Serov, P. 2013. Radio interview for Australian Oil and Gas Review
Serov, P. 2013. Interview with NW Courier - "Tiny bug could have implications for Santos’ gas plans in the Pilliga".
Serov, P. 2013. Interview with Sydney Morning Herald for Front page story - "The bug that bit Santos' $1 billion gas project" by Ben Cuddy, July 12, 2013.
Serov, P. 2014.3rd Annual Australian Environmental Assessments and Approvals, 28-30 May 2014, Sir Stamford Circular Quay, Sydney. WORKSHOP A: Improving your EIS through effective environmental monitoring, recording and management plans
Serov, P. 2014. • Committee member of the Coal Seam Gas Science Forum Committee and Public Workshops and Forum, Parliament House, Sydney, March 2014.
Serov, P. 2011-14. Rolleston Stygofauna Report, GHD, Queensland
Serov, P. 2012-14. Identification of macroinvertebrates from Glenbrook Lagoon Following the Cabomba Weed Control Program. Blue Mountain Council
Serov, P. 2012. Baseline Stygofauna Survey Report for Rockdale Property of Tony Pickard, Narraibri , NSW
Serov, P. 2012. Snowy River Benchmarking Project. Identification to species of adult macroinvertebrates. NSW Office of Water.
Serov, P. 2013. A Review of Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Vegetation and Groundwater Depth for the Namoi Catchment Management Authority, NSW.
Serov, P. 2012. Bioregional assessmentsNamoi sub-region ecological receptors workshop.
Serov P, Kuginis L, Williams J.P., May 2012, Risk assessment guidelines for groundwater dependent ecosystems, Volume 1 – The conceptual framework, NSW Department of Primary Industries,Office of Water, Sydney [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2012. Continuing Non-unionidmollusk surveys Terrestrial snails for McHenry County Conservation District, Woodstock, IL. [Summary]
EKOsystems Services LLP. 2011. Continuing Non-unionidmollusk surveys. i) Terrestrial snails, ii) Freshwater Snails of Kishwaukee River for McHenry County Conservation District, Woodstock, IL. [Summary]
EKOsystems Services LLP. 2010. Nippersink Creek Freshwater Snail Survey.Unpublished report for McHenry County Conservation District, Woodstock, IL. [Summary]
Invertebrate Identification Australasia. 2001-2003. Reports 1-5. Aquatic biological monitoring of the Controlled Water Release from Stratford Coal Mine for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd [Summary]
Invertebrate Identification Australasia. 2000-2013. Reports 1-13. Aquatic biological monitoring for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd. [Summary]
Invertebrate Identification Australasia. 2002-2013. Reports 1-23. Aquatic biological monitoring for Duralie Coal Pty Ltd. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. 2009. Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems within the Border Rivers-Gwydir CMA area for the Border Rivers-Gwydir River Catchment Management Authority and the University of New England. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2009. Revision of the genus Posticobia (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae s.l.) from Australia and Norfolk Island. Malacologia51(2):319-341. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2009. A review of the land snail genus Meridolum (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from central New South Wales, Australia. Molluscan Research29(2):61-120. [Summary]
Ó Foighil, D., Lee, T., Campbell, D.C. and Clark, S.A. 2009. All voucher specimens are not created equal: a cautionary tale involving North American pleurocerid gastropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies75(3):305-306. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. 2007. Baseline Groundwater Dependant Ecosystem Evaluation Study – Upper Nepean Groundwater Pilot Studies. Biosis Pty Ltd. For Sydney Catchment Authority. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2007. Preliminary survey of the Hydrobiidae of Alabama.Unpublished report for or the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Montgomery, AL. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2007. The taxonomic status of the Banbury Springs Lanx (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae), an endangered freshwater snail from the Snake River, Idaho, United States. Unpublished report for or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Region, Boise, ID. [Summary]
Serov. P.A. and Bish, S. 2006. Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems, Assessment, Registration and Scheduling of High Priority – A Manual to Assist Macroplanning.Department of Natural Resources. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. 2006. (Submitted) Pilbara Syncarida Part I. Bathynella munjinensis sp. nov. A new species of Bathynellidae (Crustacea; Syncarida; Bathynellacea), from the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. [Summary]
Waggoner, J., Clark, S.A., Perez, K.E. and Lydeard, C. 2006. A survey of terrestrial gastropods of the Sipsey Wilderness (Bankhead National Forest), Alabama.Southeastern Naturalist5(1):57-68. [Summary]
Ponder, W.F., Clark, S.A., Eberhard, S. and Studdert, J.B. 2005. A radiation of hydrobiid snails in the caves and streams at Precipitous Bluff, southwest Tasmania, Australia (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae s.l.). Zootaxa1074:1-66. [Summary]
Perez, K.E., Ponder, W.F., Colgan, D.J., Clark, S.A. and Lydeard, C. 2005. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of spring-associated hydrobiid snails of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution34(3):545-556. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2005. Systematics, spatial analysis and conservation genetics of Meridolum corneovirens and related forms (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from the Sydney Region of Australia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Sydney, Richmond, Sydney, New South Wales.256 pp. [Summary]
Lydeard, C., Cowie, R.H., Ponder, W.F., Bogan, A.E., Bouchet, P., Clark, S.A., Cummings, K.S., Frest, T.J., Gargominy, O., Herbert, D.G., Hershler, R., Perez, K.E., Roth, B., Seddon, M., Strong, E.E. and Thompson, F.G. 2004. The global decline of nonmarine mollusks. Bioscience54(4):321-330. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 2004. Native snails in an urban environment – conservation from the ground up. In Urban wildlife: more than meets the eye, eds Lunney, D. and Burgin, S., Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW, Australia, 78-81. [Summary]
Perez, K.E., Clark, S.A. and Lydeard, C. 2004. “Showing your shells”.A primer to freshwater gastropod identification.Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA. For the Freshwater Mollusc Conservation Society, freshwater gastropod identification workshop held at the University of Alabama. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at 248 North Liverpool Rd, Green Valley.Unpublished report for The Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Targeted survey etc for Meridolumcorneovirens at Wonga Rd, Prestons.Unpublished report for Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Work relating to the snail Meridolumcorneovirens at the Australand site, Prestons. Unpublished report for Liverpool City Council, Liverpool, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S.A.; Miller, A.C. and Ponder, W.F. 2003. Revision of Austropyrgus (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae); a morphostatic radiation of freshwater gastropods in south-eastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement28:1-109. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at Bernera Road, Prestons, Sydney. Unpublished report for Urban Bushland Management Consultants Pty Ltd, Kurrajong Heights, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at 104-110 Gipps Street Claremont Meadow, Sydney.Unpublished report for FEV Mono Pty Ltd &Kenna Real Estate, Tregear, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2003. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens corner of Erskine Park and Mamre Rd’s.Unpublished report for Environmental Planning and Management, Sydney Water Corporation, Parramatta, NSW. [Summary]
AMBS. 2003. Eight part test for Meridolumcorneovirens at 248 North Liverpool Road, Green Valley. Unpublished report for Mark Topic / Acuiti Legal, Green Valley, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002-2003. Mt Druitt TAFE Meridolumcorneovirens relocation and monitoring program.Unpublished report for Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. and Richardson, B.J. 2002.Spatial analysis of genetic variation as a rapid assessment tool in the conservation management of narrow range endemics.Invertebrate Systematics16(4):583-587. [Summary]
Serov, P.A., 2002. Preliminary Identification guide for Australian Syncarida.For the 2002 Taxonomic Workshop by the Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Albury. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Inspection of the Blair Athol site after the recent December fires to determine the status of the population Meridolumcorneovirens on site and a short report. Unpublished report for Rose Consulting Group, Blacktown, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at the intersection of the M5 and Moorebank Ave, and writing a brief report and eight part test.Unpublished report for Halliburton KBR, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at Wonderland Site.Unpublished report for The Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at a site of Badgally Rd, Campbelltown.Unpublished report for EcoSearch Environmental Consultants, Picton, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Review and comment on Meridolumcorneovirens plan of management for Stage 13A Blair Athol, southern Sydney. Unpublished report for Hayes Environmental, Bowral, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Blair Athol Cumberland Plain Snail (Meridolumcorneovirens) translocation study.Unpublished report for Rose Consulting Group, Blacktown, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Review draft Pitt Town Local Environment Study and conduct an additional targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens along the eastern half of the ‘Bona Vista’ property. Unpublished report for Hills Development Corporation, Castle Hill, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2002. Targeted survey for Meridolumcorneovirens along the Regentville to Glenmore Park Transmission Line, Glenmore Park.Unpublished report for Molino Stewart, Parramatta, NSW. [Summary]
Serov, P., Ahyong, S. & Clark, S. 2001. Biological Assessment of Streams in the Stratford Coal Mine Area Survey 4, Autumn 2001. Unpublished report for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd, Stratford, NSW. [Summary]
Thurgate, M.E., Gough, J.S., Clarke, A.K., Serov, P.A. and Spate, A. 2001. Stygofauna diversity and distribution in Eastern Australian cave and karst areas.Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement64:49-62. [Summary]
Serov, P.A., 2001. Assessment of the Conservation Value of the Bungawalbyn Region, Richmond River Catchment, NSW.Investigation of the Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Community.In. Assessment of the Bungawalbyn Region for High Conservation Value Status.Department Of Land Water Conservation.Edited by P. Serov and J. Foster. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2001. Conduct initial survey for Adams Emerald Dragonfly at the Mt Penang Site. Unpublished report for Gunninah Consultants, Crows Nest, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2001. Preparation of a snail Management Plan and SIS for Stage 13A for the Blair Athol site.Unpublished report for Hayes Environmental, Bowral, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2001. Assisting Campbelltown City Council with court proceedings, including field work, meetings, preparing documents for court and court time and witness testimony over 27 August – 4 September 2001. Unpublished report for Campbelltown City Council, Campbelltown, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2001. Preparation of snail management plan for Mt Druitt TAFE site.Unpublished report for The Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. and Foster, J. 2000. Interim Report on the Criteria for Assessing High Conservation Value Rivers.Department Of Land Water Conservation. [Summary]
Ponder, W.F., Clark, S.A. and Dallwitz, M.J. 2000. Freshwater and Estuarine Molluscs.An interactive, illustrated key for New South Wales.CD-ROM, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. [Summary]
Serov, P., Ahyong, S. & Clark, S. 2000. Biological Assessment of Streams in the Stratford Coal Mine Area Survey 3, Autumn 2000. Unpublished report for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd, Stratford, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S.A., Serov, S. &Ahyong, S. 2000.Identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates and assessment of stream health for Bankstown Council.Unpublished report for Bankstown City Council, Bankstown, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2000. Targeted search for Meridolumcorneovirens at the Kemps Creek site. Unpublished report Countrywide Ecological Services, Mt Colah, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 2000. Targeted search for Meridolumcorneovirens and report, In the matter of Penrith Council vs Austral. Unpublished report Gadens Lawyers, Campbelltown, NSW. [Summary]
Miller, A.C., Ponder, W.F. and Clark, S.A. 1999. Freshwater snails of the genera Fluvidona and Austropyrgus (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) from northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, Australia.Invertebrate Taxonomy13(3):461-493. [Summary]
Ponder, W.F., Clark, S.A. and Miller, A.C. 1999. A new genus and two new species of Hydrobiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda) from south Western Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia82(3):109-120. [Summary]
Serov, P.A., 1999. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates.In. Assessment of ToorumbeeSubcatchment for High Conservation Value Status.Department Of Land Water Conservation.Edited by P. Serov and J. Foster. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. and Wilson, G.D.F. 1999. A Revision of the Pseudojaniridae Wilson, with a description of a new genus of Stenetriidae Hansen (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota).Invertebrate Taxonomy13(1):67-116. [Summary]
Dray, S., Saunders, D., James, T. and Clark, S. 1999. Environmental Study, Erskine Park Employment Area. Biosis Research, St Leonards, Sydney, NSW. Unpublished report for Penrith City Council, Penrith, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 1999. Preliminary survey for Meridolumcorneovirens at a proposed residential development, Claremont Meadows, Penrith.Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney.Unpublished report for Biosis, St Leonards, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 1999. Survey of Lots DP 392412 and 370456 on Bumbera Road, Prestons for the Cumberland Plain Land Snail Meridolumcorneovirens (Pfeiffer, 1851).Invertebrate Identification Australasia, Summer Hill, NSW.Unpublished report for Liverpool City Council, Liverpool, NSW. [Summary]
Dray, S., Anderson, J., James, T., Clark, S. and Lemckert, F. 1998. Species Impact Statement Lots 2, 3, 4 DP 27233 and 21 DP 834013 Claremont Meadows, Penrith. Biosis Research, St Leonards, Sydney. Unpublished report for Landcom, Sydney, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S.A. 1997. Taxonomy and biology of Posticobia (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). M.Sc. Thesis, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney, New South Wales.199 pp. [Summary]
Invertebrate Identification Australasia, 1997.Report to Storey and Gough Butterfly hill-topping at proposed subdivision, 153-165 Grosvenor Street, North Wahroonga.Unpublished report for Storey and Gough Lawyers, Parramatta, NSW. [Summary]
Clark, S. 1997. Investigation of the new proposed location for the water storage pond within the Sydney International Equestrian Development Site for the land snail Meridolumcorneovirens.Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney.Unpublished report for the Olympic Construction Authority. [Summary]
Ponder, W.F., Colgan, D.J., Terzis, T., Clark, S.A. and Miller, A.C. 1996. Three new morphologically and genetically determined species of hydrobiid gastropods from Dalhousie Springs, northern South Australia, with the description of a new genus.Molluscan Research17:49-106. [Summary]
Serov, P.A. and Wilson, G.D.F. 1995. A review of the Stenetriidae (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota). Records of the Australian Museum47:39-82. [Summary]
Swain, R., Richardson, A.M.M. and Serov, P.A. 1993. An evaluation of the potential of litter bags for assessing the effect of forestry practices on stream processes. Research Report No.7. Tasmanian Forest Research Council, Inc. [Summary]
Richardson, A.M.M. and Serov, P.A. 1991. Norfolk Range survey.Freshwater Invertebrates. Report to the Tasmanian Parks, Wildlife & Heritage. [Summary]
Richardson, A.M.M,.Monamy, V. and Serov, P.A. 1990.A fauna survey of the Minna Creek [Tioxide (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.]. Report to Environmental and Technical services Pty. Ltd [Summary]